Jumat, 30 Juni 2017

a summary of ted talk- 3 ways to speak english by jamila lyiscott

Honestly, when i watch and listen to the talk, i merely listen to her words not the meaning of it, she is an amazing tri-tounge orator. She actually want to deliver a message about three ways of speak english. She said that she is a tri-tounge orator because she can speaks differently in different people, to her friends, in her classroom(with teacher) and with her parents, that’s all because she is articulate. When her friend ask her something, she easily answer it because sheis articulate, so does when her lecture ask a question, inteligently she answer it by tainting with a connotation of urbanized suggestion with There’s no misdirected intention because she is articulate as well. Furthermore, whe hre father asked her, her articulate never go, it still the same. but who controls articulation? Because the English language is a multifaceted orationSubject to indefinite transformation. She herself control the articulate that she has, she also put an ability of tri-tounge orator in her job application in order to help to diversify your consumer market and later, if she is called to do an interview, she would be lovely to do it.
That’s all my summary about this topic, i m sure that it sounds weird but, that it is..

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