Kamis, 29 Juni 2017

a summary of ted talks- the world's english mania by jay walker

Recently, our world has several manias, such as beatlemania where some teenagers  arehisterically screaming and crying, or other mania such as sport mania, it is about getting a ball into a net or religious mania. there's rapture, there's weeping,there's visions.Manias can be good.Manias can be alarming.Or manias can be deadly. But now we have a new mania, it is learning English. This video also shows how chinese students practice English, by screaming it. English is spoken in all counties over the world, In Latin America,in India,in Southeast Asia,and most of all, in China.If you're a Chinese student,you start learning English in the third grade, by law.That's why this year,China will become the world's largest English-speaking country.
The question is, why English?? In a single word: opportunity.Opportunity for a better life, a job,to be able to pay for school, or put better food on the table. The speaker also said that when someone want to take  a giant test, they prepare it well in English because Twenty-five percent of her/his  grade is based on English, and 80 million high school Chinese studentshave already taken this test.
So is English mania good or bad?Is English a tsunami, washing away other languages?Not likely.English is the world's second language.Your native language is your life.But with English you can become part of a wider conversation —a global conversation about global problems,like climate change or poverty,or hunger or disease.The world has other universal languages.Mathematics is the language of science.Music is the language of emotions.And now English is becoming the language of problem-solving.Not because America is pushing it,but because the world is pulling it.So English mania is a turning point.

For short, English represents hopefor a better future —a future where the world has a common languageto solve its common problems.

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