Jumat, 30 Juni 2017

a summary of ted talk-The Enchanting Music of Sign Language by christine sun kim

Artist Christine Sun Kim was born deaf, and she was taught to believe that sound wasn't a part of her life, that it was a hearing person's thing.  she believed it to be true. Yet, she  realize now that that wasn't the case at all. Sound was very much a part of her life, on her mind every day. As a Deaf person living in a world of sound, it's as if she was living in a foreign country, blindly following its rules, customs, behaviors and norms without ever questioning them. The question is, how she understand sound? She learn from how people behave and respondcto sound, it seems like her loudspeaker. She learn and mirror that behavior. At the same time, she has learned that she create sound unconsiously and people also respond to her.
In Deaf culture, movement is equivalent to sound. This is a sign for "staff" in ASL. A typical staff contains five lines. One day, she has travelled to berlin, Germany and visited several public places like museums or gallery spaces, At that time, sound was trending, and that struck her, because everything was auditory.

An idea come up one day, then started thinking, "What if she was to look at ASL through a musical lens? Because, she works with ASL interpreter  and claimed that their sound is her identity. Asl gives her so much benefits and experiences that is able to make her to socialize with other people and such a pleasure to see asl is stiil alive and thriving, just like music. For short, in this ted talks, christine sun kim, Through her art, she discovered similarities between American Sign Language and music, and she realized that sound doesn't have to be known solely through the ears — it can be felt, seen and experienced as an idea. In this endearing talk, she invites us to open our eyes and ears and participate in the rich treasure of visual language.

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