Kamis, 29 Juni 2017


in this post, i will tell you about the history of kluet community, fyi.. i am one of kluet people, so i want to let you know about it as well...

Kluet tribe
One of the areas in the province of Aceh, precisely in the district of South Aceh there is an indigenous community, which has long been living in the region. They are different communities with the people of Aceh in general. They are a community that calls itself Kluet or Kluet. The term Kluet is sometimes referred to as the keluwat or kluwat.

Kluet area is separated by the river Lawé Kluet which originated on Mount Leuser and empties into the Indian Ocean. Kluet residence area is located 30 km from the town of Tapaktuan or 500 km from Banda Aceh.

In this region of South Aceh Kluet tribe co-exist with 2 other tribes, such as Aceh tribe and Aneuk Jamee. The Kluet tribe itself is scattered in the area of Kluet Utara, Kluet Tengah, Kluet Selatan and Kluet Timur

In general, the Kluet are closely related to the tribe of Alas and the Singkil tribe, as there are some similarities in the culture-customs and languages influenced by both tribes.
The Kluet people speak in their own language, Kluet. The Kluet language belongs to the Batak language group of languages. Kluet itself has 3 dialects that continue to grow until now, namely:
Ø  Dialect Menggamat
Ø  Payadapur dialect, and
Ø  Krueng Kluet dialect (Lawe Sawah).

According to the record (Bukhari RA, et al, 2008: 11), Kluet's history is said to be closely related to the Bangko Sea Kingdom which is a small lake in the middle of the TNGL forest (Gunung Leuser National Park) to the west, bordering on Bakongan subdistrict and Kluet Timur subdistrict currently.
According to the story that the Bangko Sea Kingdom was once glorious in the past. The last king named Malinda with the empress Rindi. After the king died, floods hit the kingdom. Its inhabitants fled for land, some fled to Batak Land, others to Tanah Singkil, and the rest survived by searching for higher ground. From this it is said that there is similarity between Kluet language with other Batak languages, such as Karo, Pakpak, Toba, Alas and Singkil.

According to another story, told of a major war in Aceh, a community in the hinterland got in the way and fled to the small town of Chik Kilat Fajar in southern Aceh and became a separate community at the foot of Kalambaloh mountain, while others went deeper into the community and made the community As well as a mixture of languages ​​with several other areas such as Singkil and Alas and several tribes in North Sumatra.
          Meanwhile, according to the Alas tribe folklore that between the tribe of Alas and Kluet tribe is still closely related, seen from the story of the origins stored in these two groups of people, that the Kluet originated from King Enggang who is the younger brother of King Patuha in Dairi and brother of King Lambing which is the ancestor of the Selian clan and the Alas in Tanoh Alas and the clan of Sebayang in Taneh Karo. While King Enggang who is the ancestor of the Kluet, the first descendant in Tanah Kluet is the Pinim clan

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